Grant Research Masterclass



 Why does your organization need to conduct grant research, and regularly? What is grant   research or prospecting and how do you go about it?

 Have you found it challenging to navigate the many grant research tool options? How can you   make sure you’re finding all the grants you’re eligible for, and exclude the grants you have little   chance of winning?

 Conducting research can be tricky, though, and time consuming if you don’t know where to   look or how to approach it. To get the most out of your efforts, you need to know what you’re   looking for and how to look for it. That clarity will save you a   ton of time and effort. To help   nonprofits navigate the confusing world of grant research, we explore the what, why, and how   of grant research and explore some of the available tools.


If you are looking for grants to support the incredible work your nonprofit organization is doing, you need this course to take your skills and your organization to the next level. This course is the essential first step in your grant seeking process.

This Grant Research Masterclass will demystify processes and tools. Before you ask for funding, it is essential that you understand the funder’s focus areas and alignment with your mission. This course will equip you with the practical skills you need to find grant funding for your nonprofit organization. Take this course to learn how to determine your key words and effectively use some of the grant research databases and tools to secure the funding you need to succeed! Using a real nonprofit case study as an example throughout this course, hands-on applications are demonstrated to help you develop your own grant research skills to increase the sustainability of your organization. Loaded with helpful tips, expert guidance, and downloadable tools based on my 28 years of experience in what works in the world of nonprofit grant research.
On demand, watch when and how you want. 
 Questions? Just ask..
2 Modules
US $ 197.00
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• Discover the right brainstorming and research methods to be an effective grant researcher
• Learn to use the tools that make this possible
• Apply proven techniques to research and find grants that are a better fit for your organization
• Develop an annual grant writing strategy that drives your fundraising efforts to new heights

Leveraging these tools and gaining new skills will take your organization to the next fundraising level and increase performance with each new step.

This course will turn you into an effective and efficient grant researcher who can easily keep pace with the changing grant cycle landscape. It will help you navigate the grant search engines and the web with confidence. As you face the challenges of diversifying funding for your organization, you’ll see how these skills will be applicable to other non-grant fundraising areas.

• Leaders of nonprofits or other fundraisers less than 5 years in existence
• Leaders or staff of nonprofits or other fundraising groups who are struggling with securing grants
• Leaders or staff of nonprofits or other fundraising groups who are considering grant funding as part of their diversified fundraising strategy
• Individuals who are interested in starting a nonprofit or fundraising entity
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