Grant Consultant Blueprint


 Have you been thinking about becoming a grant writing consultant but you don’t know how   to get started? Well, this is the course for you! The grant writing industry is remarkably   fulfilling, meaningful work. There is a shortage of talented grant writers for hire. This means   there is a high demand for talented grant writers. The good news is you can write a grant   from literally anywhere! You can quickly start generating a profit with this type of business   because all you need is a computer, internet, and phone.

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This course is all about what you need to set up the business. You will learn where to find great clients, how to prepare contracts and land clients. You’ll discover best practices for grant writing consultants and how to best market your business. You’ll learn about what services you can provide and at what cost. Additionally, you’ll learn how to manage clients. 
 What You’ll learn:

• The motivation and barriers to starting a grant writing business
• The myths about consulting
• Successful traits of great grant consultants
• Consulting as a career and as a business
• The seven-step launch
• The success formula for an amazing grant consulting business
 Why You Want to Learn It

If you want freedom while simultaneously doing meaningful work, a remote grant consulting business could be a great investment for you.
 How It Will Help You

Not only will embarking on this journey put you on a path to freedom, but you will also feel a satisfaction of contribution working for many missions and nonprofits. You can also enjoy the flexibility to control your own income. This is an opportunity to level up your income with the sense of value you are creating in the world.
 Who should attend:

• Leaders of nonprofits or other fundraisers less than 5 years in existence
• Leaders or staff of nonprofits or other fundraising groups who are struggling with securing grants
• Leaders or staff of nonprofits or other fundraising groups who are considering grant funding as part of their diversified fundraising strategy
• Individuals who are interested in starting a nonprofit or fundraising entity
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